WolfPak Clothing: Who We Are & What We Stand For
Let’s not to begin with the typical run down information, pertaining of the year we started, what style of clothes we sell, etc. Let’s begin with what’s important to us and the values that drive us forward. WolfPak is on a mission for Greatness, plain and simple. We’re here to conquer our dreams, help others in doing the same and play our part in creating a better world. We say this confidently and yet with the utmost humility: Without hesitation I assure you WolfPak Clothing WILL be a major name in the fashion industry sooner than you think. I hope self-confidence like we just stated is not a turnoff for anybody reading this, and if it is chances are good that you need to re-evaluate your own internal confidence and self-belief. To take it one step further I thoroughly encourage you to feel the same exact way about whatever you’re passionate about! If somebody doesn’t believe in your vision, that is totally acceptable but please do not let the limitations of others limit YOUR vision. Find the confidence to look past the doubts of others, work your ass off, trust the process, believe in yourself and trust me good things are going to happen if you stay consistent with it. All forms of greatness stem from endless amounts of hard work, ridiculous amounts of determination, and confidence in yourself that others might find to be slightly delusional (that’s completely ok, embrace it). Self-belief is everything, once you realize you’re only competing with yourself & that YOU create your own future, everything else will fall into place.
This brand was built for the underdogs. For people who are slept on, looked past and forgotten about. For the people who were told they were too small, too slow, not smart enough, not good enough. For the people who have to fight scratch and claw for everything they have. For the small town dreamers, the low income raised grinders and anyone else who has their back up against the wall. This is our time. WolfPak is set out to enable the underdogs, to inspire the youth and committed to achieving greatness on a global scale.
Obtaining our idea of greatness consists of several important variables all of which revolve around making the world a better place for as many people as possible. Our current plans consist of:
1. Create some dope clothes and high quality motivational content that helps inspire anyone with a dream to put their head down, stay consistent and overcome any obstacles in the way of attaining their goals.
2. Donate a significant % of profits to help save endangered animals & their habitats, the homeless and other worthy charities who are willing to partner.
3. Strive to play an active role in inspiring and assisting hard working goal orientated creators obtain their wildest dreams. Our idea is to provide life changing opportunities for individuals who strive for greatness, lead by example & are always willing to step up to the next challenge.
4. Spread as much positivity & love as possible along the journey.
Business wise these past few years have mainly consisted of learning as much as we can & laying the foundation for sustained success. My brother, Spencer, and I started this company from the ground up w/ no nothing to our name. I was a senior in college, and Spence was a sophomore when we initially thought of & launched the brand. We had little to no disposable income, never asked for or received any amount of an outside investment & had very little knowledge on what it took to create a successful clothing brand, (outside of the knowledge YouTube University & what the internet provided us.) We networked, we learned through trial and error, and we fought and clawed for everything we’ve accomplished up to this point.
Being considered underdogs in most aspect has always been a huge part of our lives and helps fuel our passion for success. We grew up in a small town where nobody ever tells you or encourages you to chase your dreams. We grew up with the greatest, (however extremely realistic) parents, who have never been ones to encourage risk taking entrepreneurial behavior and have always pushed us to go the safer 9–5 route. And listen there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But for those who dare to be different, are passionate about chasing your dreams, and willing to strive for greatness & lead by example with your actions, THIS IS YOUR TIME! Do dope shit. Take risks. Be the best you can be. Lead the Pak.
If you have any direct questions about who we are, our story, what we stand for, or anything for that matter, please feel free to message us on Instagram or email us at spencer@wolfpakclothing.com and we would be happy to engage. Thank you for taking the time to read this — your support is truly appreciated and we welcome any and all feedback.
SHOP: www.wolfpakclothing.com
Until next time,
Sean Sticek
Co-Founder of WolfPak Clothing & Life Enthusiast
Twitter: @SlipStones