I had a teacher that once said “You know what happens if you don’t have passions? You grow old and you hate your family, yourself and your life.” I don’t know if I would take it that far but I can see the difficulties that could arise.
Anyone’s emptiest moments come when they are standing still. When they do the same thing every day. When they don’t venture into new realms of knowledge that is so easily accessible to anyone through the obvious ways like the internet, books or the media. But knowledge comes in many other forms. Observing, experience, or simply having a conversation with a stranger or with someone you know about something you don’t normally talk about.
It’s close to impossible not notice something, something that stimulates your mind and makes you curious for more or even dependent on more. Falling into what you notice can only open more doors to grow and to change and to move forward.
Having passions can only result in moving forward. Moving forward can only result in success in one form or another. Whether that success comes in your career, or within yourself. Humans need to be constantly moving with time. They need to evolve in order to maintain a healthy mind.
It’s obvious that happiness comes from your family and your friends but It needs to be there when they’re not around as well. Falling into creative journeys, passions, and moving forward are essential. It’s important and fascinating to get caught up in what’s out there. There’s so much people will never even open their eyes too. There needs to be something outside yourself and the people around you in order to move forward.
Not only to move forward but to step away from your personal problems in the moments you need too. Passions are a way to detach from your family that’s fighting, or your car breaking down or your significant other that ditched you. You need something bigger than yourself to remind you that the world is a big and beautiful place. So instead of calling your girlfriend a hundred times or wondering why your car won’t give you a fucking break you can read a book, take a walk, and start thinking about the bigger problems around you and how you can contribute to solving them.
This is of course easier said than done. There are a lot of obstacles in the way. The biggest one being yourself. People stop going after things when they get too comfortable. We get lazy. So many of us give up on old interests or finding new ones because it takes too much effort on top of all the effort we have to use on parts of life we don’t want too.
Another factor is fear, fear that you won’t succeed, fear that others won’t think you’ll succeed. It’s necessary to get over that, even if you aren’t sure of what you’re doing but you’ll never be sure. You’ll never be sure of anything. There are tons of obstacles in your life that you haven’t been sure of but you still took action. What’s one more time?
It’s easy to quit, it’s easy to not bump into any walls. But it’s also a death sentence. It’s the death of a person’s individuality. People need interests, passions, and sense of themselves to do well in this life. Time moves forward and we have to move with it.
Written by Morgan Henderson
Creative Operations Intern at WolfPak Clothing
Staff writer at the Fredonia Leader
SHOP: wolfpakclothing.com